Westville NJ Divorce Mediation
Westville NJ divorce mediation attorney Henry Weinfeld specializes in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his nearby office in Woodbury. His work as a divorce mediation service provider in Westville NJ includes legal counsel regarding custody issues, alimony, child support and other types of South Jersey family law.
As a Westville NJ divorce mediation and South Jersey family law practitioner, Henry Weinfeld has a great deal of experience in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). No other firm that concentrates on divorce mediation in Westville NJ offers a similar type of customer service.
For Help with Westville NJ Divorce Mediation
If you require Westville NJ divorce mediation, from a lawyer whose office is close to you, or if you have additional needs regarding New Jersey family law (NJ fam law), your initial South Jersey family law contact should be to Henry Weinfeld, a leading provider of divorce mediation in Westville NJ.
Divorce mediation or custody mediation in New Jersey is most successful when both parties are committed to the process. It can save thousands of dollars as compared to a traditional litigated divorce. The option is not available to all divorcing couples because the process requires trust and open communication, both rare when conflict is at its height between the parties.
Many matrimonial cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an agreement that the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the court. If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have us file the divorce complaint and put an uncontested divorce through at a very reduced rate.