Tag Archives: family law mediator
Family Law Mediator in South Jersey

Family Law Mediator in South Jersey
A leading family law mediator in South Jersey, Henry Weinfeld will provide assistance regarding New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) services including alimony as well as child support. He is a Gloucester County family law mediator who is accustomed to battling for what is correct.
As a well-respected family law mediator in South Jersey, Henry Weinfeld has helped many customers with New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) problems. His familiarity with work as a Gloucester County family law mediator considers time spent as a state-approved Professional Family Law Mediator.
The Family Law Mediator in South Jersey for You
If you need a family law mediator in South Jersey to take care of New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) issues, contact Henry Weinfeld. He could be the only Gloucester County family law mediator you need.
In New Jersey, if you have been married previously or have acquired property that you would like to preserve in case of divorce, a prenuptial agreement will protect your rights and can save you thousands in future litigation costs.
Did you know that a Superior Court judge in the county where you or your spouse lives will be the person who hears your South Jersey divorce case? This is exactly why you should have a local divorce attorney with years of experience working with you.
Depending on the nature of your agreement and what you want to preserve, prenuptial agreements can be complex. In a simple example, if you would like to preserve your pre-marital portion of a 401K account, we would require a 401K statement with a balance in that account. In a more complicated case, if you own part of a family owned and operated business, are sole proprietor of your own company, or in a business partnership, a more in-depth review of your assets will be required.