Tag Archives: family law
Gloucester County Divorce Lawyer

Gloucester County divorce lawyer Henry Weinfeld is well versed in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his conveniently located office in Haddon Heights. His divorce law services include legal counsel regarding custody issues, child support, alimony, divorce and other Gloucester County family law legal situations.
As a well-known divorce lawyer in the South Jersey region and Gloucester County family law expert, Henry Weinfeld has a roster of pleased customers when it comes to New Jersey family law issues. Weinfeld works to make divorces go through the process quickly…he has experience in conflict resolution and works to keep both parties calm throughout the situation. Weinfeld works towards a solution for all that keeps a divorce from dragging on and being much more expensive.
If you and your spouse have agreed to amicably divorce, ask our office about Henry Weinfeld’s divorce mediation options. With divorce mediation, you can have your divorce be final in as few as five meetings. saving you thousands over a traditional divorce. Find out more about divorce mediation in South Jersey here.
Contact Your Gloucester County Divorce Lawyer Today.
If you and your partner have decided that you have irreconcilable differences and have chosen to move on, let Henry Weinfeld be your attorney to help you get through the process and get started with the next chapter of your life. Weinfeld has a history of helping his clients achieve the best outcome possible, and it’s the reason for his very high Avvo rating among clients.
When you require a divorce lawyer, or have any other needs for New Jersey family law services, your initial Gloucester County family law contact should be to reach out to Henry Weinfeld in Haddon Heights — an experienced, knowledgeable, and successful family law attorney.
South Jersey Divorce Attorney

South Jersey divorce attorney Henry Weinfeld specializes in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his conveniently located office in Haddon Heights, Gloucester County. His services include legal counsel regarding divorce, custody issues, alimony, child support and other issues related to South Jersey family law.
As a leading South Jersey family law expert, Henry Weinfeld has a long list of very satisfied clients when it comes to matters of New Jersey family law. You can see reviews from satisfied customers and his high rating on his Avvo page.
Henry Weinfeld is highly regarded by both his clients and his fellow attorneys for his dedication to finding solutions, and avoiding dragging divorces through long and expensive litigation. Weinfeld has a background and experience not just in New Jersey family law, but also in conflict resolution. He works to keep both parties calm and working towards outcomes that work for everyone and helping parties move on.
In addition, Henry Weinfeld can help you with divorce mediation services. If you and your ex can work things out amicably, divorce mediation can be a much quicker and far less expensive divorce option, and your divorce can be final in as few as five meetings. Find out more about New Jersey divorce mediation here. Divorce mediation is highly recommended option for parties who can agree on things and can save thousands over a traditional divorce.
Contact Your South Jersey Divorce Attorney Today.
When you need a South Jersey divorce attorney, or have any other requirements involving New Jersey family law, your first South Jersey family law phone call should be to Henry Weinfeld — a top divorce attorney in South Jersey. Contact Henry Weinfeld today and get started with the next chapter of your life.
Gloucester County Family Law Mediators

Gloucester County Family Law Mediators
Gloucester County family law mediators working in the office of Henry Weinfeld specialize in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from their headquarters in Woodbury. Their services as family law mediators in Gloucester County include providing legal counsel regarding divorce, custody issues, alimony, child support, and other issues related to South Jersey family law.
As leading Gloucester County family law mediators and South Jersey family law experts, Henry Weinfeld and his team have a long list of very satisfied clients when it comes to matters of New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). Few family law mediators in Gloucester County are able to match their high level of service.
Highly Regarded Gloucester County Family Law Mediators
The next time you require Gloucester County family law mediators, or have any other requirements involving New Jersey family law, your first South Jersey family law phone call should be to Henry Weinfeld – one of the most well-known family law mediators in Gloucester County.
In New Jersey, alimony is typically awarded with the final judgment of divorce and, depending on the facts of the case, is given for a fixed period or on a permanent basis. We help clients apply for support and ultimately receive payments through wage garnishment via the Probation Division.
Many matrimonial cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an Agreement the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the Court. If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have the office of Henry Weinfeld file the divorce complaint and put an uncontested divorce through at a very reduced rate.
To get an award of temporary support in New Jersey, your attorney must file a motion on your behalf. We will consider the facts of your case by a close examination of your past and current income and expenses. We will help create a case information statement. We will work with you to gather the information, create a certification on your behalf, attach whatever exhibits are needed, and file it according to the Court rules.
Family Law Mediator in South Jersey

Family Law Mediator in South Jersey
A leading family law mediator in South Jersey, Henry Weinfeld will provide assistance regarding New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) services including alimony as well as child support. He is a Gloucester County family law mediator who is accustomed to battling for what is correct.
As a well-respected family law mediator in South Jersey, Henry Weinfeld has helped many customers with New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) problems. His familiarity with work as a Gloucester County family law mediator considers time spent as a state-approved Professional Family Law Mediator.
The Family Law Mediator in South Jersey for You
If you need a family law mediator in South Jersey to take care of New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) issues, contact Henry Weinfeld. He could be the only Gloucester County family law mediator you need.
In New Jersey, if you have been married previously or have acquired property that you would like to preserve in case of divorce, a prenuptial agreement will protect your rights and can save you thousands in future litigation costs.
Did you know that a Superior Court judge in the county where you or your spouse lives will be the person who hears your South Jersey divorce case? This is exactly why you should have a local divorce attorney with years of experience working with you.
Depending on the nature of your agreement and what you want to preserve, prenuptial agreements can be complex. In a simple example, if you would like to preserve your pre-marital portion of a 401K account, we would require a 401K statement with a balance in that account. In a more complicated case, if you own part of a family owned and operated business, are sole proprietor of your own company, or in a business partnership, a more in-depth review of your assets will be required.
Gloucester County Custody and Visitation Attorney
Gloucester County custody and visitation attorney Henry Weinfeld is an expert in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his office in Woodbury. His work as a custody and visitation attorney in Gloucester County includes legal counsel regarding custody issues, alimony, child support and other types of South Jersey family law.
Henry Weinfeld, as a top Gloucester County custody and visitation attorney and South Jersey family law expert, has a great deal of experience in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). No other custody and visitation attorney in Gloucester County can offer similar customer service.
A Leading Gloucester County Custody and Visitation Attorney
Henry M. Weinfeld is a trusted and well respected South Jersey family law and divorce attorney in Woodbury, NJ. He provides legal counsel regarding divorce, custody issues, alimony, child support and any other issues related to family law in Southern New Jersey. He serves clients throughout South Jersey primarily in Gloucester, Camden and Burlington Counties and has a long list of very satisfied clients. His Woodbury, NJ offices are located just blocks from the courthouse.
If you require a Gloucester County custody and visitation attorney, or have additional needs in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law), your initial South Jersey family law contact should be to Henry Weinfeld, a leading custody and visitation attorney in Gloucester County.
Reasonable fees and personalized service make us the perfect firm to represent your divorce, custody case or other family law matter. We also accept all major credit cards.
Family Mediation and Divorce Services
Family mediation and divorce services expert Henry Weinfeld specializes in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his office in Woodbury. His work as an expert in mediation and divorce services in Gloucester County includes include legal counsel regarding custody issues, alimony, child support and other types of South Jersey family law.
As a top family mediation and divorce services and South Jersey family law expert, Henry Weinfeld has a great deal of experience in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). No other firm that concentrates on mediation and divorce services in Gloucester County can offer similar customer service.
When You Need Family Mediation and Divorce Services
If you require family mediation and divorce services, or have additional needs in the area of New Jersey family law (NJ fam law), your initial South Jersey family law contact should be to Henry Weinfeld, a leading provider of mediation and divorce services in Gloucester County.
Divorce or custody mediation in New Jersey is most successful when both parties are committed to the process. It can save thousands over a traditional litigated divorce. The option is not available to all divorcing couples because the process requires trust and open communication, both rare when conflict is at its height between the parties.
Many matrimonial cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an agreement that the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the court. If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have us file the divorce complaint and put an uncontested divorce through at a very reduced rate.
If the case is complex, we use of experts in forensic accounting to prepare financial reports. Finally, your spouse may need to be personally interviewed, under oath, in a deposition to uncover valuable facts in order to aid negotiations or prepare for trial.
Divorce Mediation in South Jersey
Henry Weinfeld, a lawyer practicing divorce mediation in South Jersey, can provide you with New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) services such as child support and alimony. He is a Sewell NJ divorce mediation who will fight for your rights.
As a leading attorney providing divorce mediation in South Jersey, Henry Weinfeld has assisted numerous clients facing New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) problems. His experience in Sewell NJ divorce mediation includes work as a state-approved Professional Family Law Mediator.
Receive Divorce Mediation in South Jersey from Henry Weinfeld
When you are looking for divorce mediation in South Jersey or need help with any New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) issue, call Henry Weinfeld. His experience as a Sewell NJ divorce mediation attorney will benefit you.
In South Jersey, divorce cases are heard by a Superior Court judge in the county where you or your spouse resides. That is why retaining an experienced, local divorce attorney to represent you is crucial.
Our initial 1-hour consultation will provide you with an assessment of your case. That will include (but may not be limited to): Possession and control of your marital home, your financial obligations or requirements, your custody and visitation rights, your claim or right to health insurance benefits, your privacy rights and your future outlook.
Divorce mediation or custody mediation in New Jersey is most successful when both parties are committed to the process. It can save thousands over a traditional litigated divorce. The option is not available to all divorcing couples because the process requires trust and open communication, both rare when conflict is at its height between the parties.
Many matrimonial cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an agreement that the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the court. If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have us file the divorce complaint and put an uncontested divorce through at a very reduced rate
Gloucester County Custody Mediation Services
Gloucester County custody mediation services expert Henry Weinfeld specializes in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his office in Woodbury. His work as a custody mediation services in Gloucester County impresario include legal counsel regarding custody issues, alimony, child support and other types of South Jersey family law.
As a top Gloucester County custody mediation services and South Jersey family law expert, Henry Weinfeld has a great deal of experience in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). No other firm that concentrates on custody mediation services in Gloucester County can offer similar customer service.
For Help with Gloucester County Custody Mediation Services
If you require Gloucester County custody mediation services, or have additional needs in the area of New Jersey family law (NJ fam law), your initial South Jersey family law contact should be to Henry Weinfeld, a leading provider of custody mediation services in Gloucester County.
Custody mediation or divorce mediation in New Jersey is most successful when both parties are committed to the process. It can save thousands over a traditional litigated custody dispute or a divorce. The option is not available to all couples because the process requires trust and open communication, both rare when conflict is at its height between the parties.
Many matrimonial-related cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an agreement that the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the court. If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have the complaint filed and an uncontested complaint can be processed at a very reduced rate.
Westville NJ Divorce Mediation
Westville NJ divorce mediation attorney Henry Weinfeld specializes in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his nearby office in Woodbury. His work as a divorce mediation service provider in Westville NJ includes legal counsel regarding custody issues, alimony, child support and other types of South Jersey family law.
As a Westville NJ divorce mediation and South Jersey family law practitioner, Henry Weinfeld has a great deal of experience in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). No other firm that concentrates on divorce mediation in Westville NJ offers a similar type of customer service.
For Help with Westville NJ Divorce Mediation
If you require Westville NJ divorce mediation, from a lawyer whose office is close to you, or if you have additional needs regarding New Jersey family law (NJ fam law), your initial South Jersey family law contact should be to Henry Weinfeld, a leading provider of divorce mediation in Westville NJ.
Divorce mediation or custody mediation in New Jersey is most successful when both parties are committed to the process. It can save thousands of dollars as compared to a traditional litigated divorce. The option is not available to all divorcing couples because the process requires trust and open communication, both rare when conflict is at its height between the parties.
Many matrimonial cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an agreement that the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the court. If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have us file the divorce complaint and put an uncontested divorce through at a very reduced rate.
West Deptford NJ Divorce Mediation
West Deptford NJ divorce mediation expert Henry Weinfeld specializes in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) from his office in Woodbury, which is close to all locations in Gloucester County. His work as a divorce mediation in West Deptford NJ facilitator include legal counsel regarding custody issues, alimony, child support and other types of South Jersey family law.
As a top West Deptford NJ divorce mediation and South Jersey family law expert, Henry Weinfeld has a great deal of experience in New Jersey family law (NJ fam law). No other firm that concentrates on divorce mediation in West Deptford NJ can offer similar customer service.
When You Need West Deptford NJ Divorce Mediation
If the time ever comes when you must have West Deptford NJ divorce mediation, or possibly need assistance with New Jersey family law (NJ fam law) issues, your first call for South Jersey family law should be to Henry Weinfeld, a leading provider of divorce mediation in West Deptford NJ.
Many matrimonial cases can be resolved in as few as five meetings. The final product is an agreement that the parties can take to their respective attorneys for review and filing with the court. The option is not available to all divorcing couples because the process requires trust and open communication, both rare when conflict is at its height between the parties.
If the parties waive any conflict, there is an option to have us file the divorce complaint and put an uncontested divorce through at a very reduced rate. Divorce mediation or custody mediation in New Jersey is most successful when both parties are committed to the process. It can save thousands over a traditional litigated divorce.