Experienced Woodbury Heights Divorce Attorney

In South Jersey, couples who need the proper legal assistance for divorces should put their trust in the hands of an experienced Woodbury Heights divorce attorney. Henry M. Weinfeld is that attorney. From his office in Woodbury, he guides his clients to successful divorces not just through knowledge of the law and the courts but also through his background in situational negotiation. Weinfeld’s focus is keeping both parties calm and working towards a solution, and it’s one reason for his high Avvo rating.
Weinfeld will meet with you for a one hour consultation to take apart your case and see the options on the table. During this time, he will asses your possessions and control of your marital home, your financial obligations or requirements, your custody and visitation rights, your right to health insurance benefits, your privacy rights and your future outlook.
After consultation, your divorce complaint is carefully drafted and preserved in the event you go to trial. We hope to get the most accurate value of your case. During this document preparation and discovery, you will get complete analysis of:
- Your spouse’s income
- Current assets
- Bank accounts
- Business assets
- Short and long term investments
- Retirement assets
- Property holdings
If necessary, your spouse may take an oath and an interview is conducted under legal deposition. We do this, not to make things uncomfortable, but to obtain all the facts needed for us to better prepare for trial or reach a negotiation.
Once your attorney is confident with the arguments to be made on your behalf, we will either prepare a proposal, or arrange a four-way conference for clients and attorneys to meet to resolve outstanding issues. In the state of New Jersey, the courts give both parties the chance to come to terms on their matters, and complete the process with matrimonial early settlement panel. The rest is left in the capable practiced hands of an experienced Woodbury Heights divorce attorney to argue on your behalf.
Call Your Experienced Woodbury Heights Attorney Today.
Please contact Henry M. Weinfeld here for more information, and request a consultation to get started today. If you and your ex are amenable to an amicable split, ask about divorce meditation services.